Meet Björn Schmidtke, the visionary force behind 'Penguin,' a groundbreaking digital agency birthed in Switzerland in 2015. This dynamic nexus, where Artificial Intelligence meets web development, rapidly expanded its influence, captivating clients across five continents. By 2016, Penguin transcended its origins, sharing its secrets through the 'Penguin Academy' for top-tier executives in Switzerland. Simultaneously, its compassionate pulse echoed in Paraguay, establishing and championing the cause of inclusive, future-forward education. Now, as the CEO of Penguin Group, Björn is embarking on an ambitious mission. He's merging world-class infrastructure data centers with the goal of fostering high-quality labor in Paraguay, all under the banner of 'Transforming Energy Into Human Potential'.The objective its to turn Paraguay into a Tech Hub for latinamerica.
Adam Gibson | Joinmarket | |
Adrián Bernabéu | BITCOINISMO | |
Ajelex | Cubo+ Teacher | |
Akin Fernandez | Azteco | |
Alejandra | Miss El Salvador | |
Alex Espejo | Spiralis | |
Alexandre Bussutil | | |
Amanda | Bitcoin Yucatan | |
Amir Edjlali | Coinbase | |
Andrew Begin | Galoy | |
Andrew Howard | Bitcoin Network SMA | |
Arvin | Galoy | |
Asher Hopp | Topiary | |
Augusto Lara | Smart Vaults | |
Benjamin de Waal | OG Bitcoiner | |
Benjamin Dichter | Bitcoin activist | |
Bill Stebbins Jr. | Locked-In Leadership | |
Bilthon | Engineer & Developer | |
Bitcoin Dad | Bitcoin Dad Pod | |
Björn Schmidtke | Penguin Group | |
Bob The Builder | Voltage | |
Brandon Black | Bitcoin wallet engineer | |
Brandon Keys | Green Candle Investments | |
BTC ANDRÉS | Bitcoin Educator | |
Carliño | Guatemalan Bitcoiner | |
Carlos G. | La Librería de Satoshi | |
Charles Lesieur | Verifa.i. | |
Charlie Mackenzie | Bitcoin Racing | |
Charlie Stevens | The Natural Investor | |
Chris Fisher | Jupiter Broadcasting | |
Chris Hunter | Satoshi | |
Christopher | School of Bitcoin | |
Cubby | Designer | |
clusk | Hifumi | |
Daf3r | Salvadoran Bitcoiner | |
Dammon21 | Einundzwanzig Hannover | |
Daniel Cohen | FalconX | |
Daniel Trujillo | Tatacoa Bitcoin | |
Daniele | Bitshop | |
David da Silva Rosa | My Bitcoin Academy | |
Deanna Heikkinen and Joel Marquez | Lyceum Tutoring | |
Dejan Roljić | Naka | |
Dirac Delta | Heaviside | |
DJ Valerie B LOVE | Bitcoin for Peace Podcast | |
Dominick Bei | Proof of Workforce | |
Dr. Ulrich Eder | PUGNATORIUS | |
Dread | Flash | |
Ed | Stakwork | |
Eliazar Ajquijay | Bitcoin Lake Guatemala | |
Enrique Berrios | Bitcoin Smiles | |
Enrique Ho | Panamanian Bitconer | |
Eric Yakes | Writer | |
Ernesto Quezada | Cubo+ Graduate | |
Evan Kaloudis | Zeus | |
Evelyn Lemus | Bitcoin Berlin | |
Federico Tenga | Bitfinex R&D Strategist | |
Felipe Huicochea | CriptoMonedas TV | |
Forte11 | Cuba Bitcoin | |
Fran Strajnar | Volcan Capital | |
Francis Mars | Chain Duel | |
Francis Pouliot | Bull Bitcoin | |
Francisco Chavarria | Yopaki | |
Galbitcoin | Tatacoa Bitcoin | |
Gerardo R. Linares | Bitcoin Berlin | |
Gerson Martinez | Volcano Energy | |
Giacomo Zucco | BHB Network | |
Graham Elwood | Comedian / Filmmaker | |
Guillermo Contreras | DitoBanx | |
Harsh Jhaveri | Yzer App | |
Hubertus Hofkirchner | Bitcredit Austria | |
Ioni Appelberg | Medical Doctor / Author | |
Ishi | | |
Ivo | Pouch / Bitcoin Islands | |
James Littlejohn | BentoBox | |
Javier Bastardo | Bitcoin Ambassador at Bitfinex | |
JayDeLux | Salva'bourg | |
Jeff Gallas | Fulmo | |
Jens Wegman | Teacher | |
Jesse Knutson | Bitfinex Securities | |
John Dennehy | Mi Primer Bitcoin | |
Jon Atack | Bitcoin Core Developer | |
Jon Chenot | Swan | |
Jose A.P | Clovrlabs | |
Jose Rodriguez | Legalítika | |
Josué López | Volcano Energy | |
Juan Galt | Street Philosopher | |
Julian Figueroa | Kinetic Finance | |
Keith Mukai | SeedSigner | |
LEE BTC | | |
Leonardo | Tatacoa Bitcoin | |
Lightrider | Ordimint & LNVPN | |
Lorraine Marcel | Bitcoin Dada | |
Luis Pinedo | Bitfinex Pay | |
Luke Broyles | The Bitcoin Adviser | |
Maciej Cepnik | Bitrefill | |
Marce | Nostr.Report | |
Marco Argentieri | Vulpem Ventures | |
Mario Flamenco | CUBO+ | |
Mark Stevenson | Bitfinex Pay | |
Mark Zubov | Umma.Finance | |
Matias Goldenhorn | Athena Bitcoin Global | |
Max Keiser | Volcano Energy | |
Maya Parbhoe | Bitcoin Sranan | |
Micael Margiotta | Author | |
Michelle Weekley | Product Developer | |
Mike Peterson | Bitcoin Beach | |
Moritz Wietersheim | Specter / Swan | |
Napoleon Osorio | Mi Primer Bitcoin | |
Nathan Day | BTC Map | |
Nelson Inno | Wespark | |
Nicolas Burtey | Galoy | |
Niko Jilch | Financial Journalist | |
Noelyne Sumba | Machankura | |
Openoms | Galoy, Raspiblitz | |
Paolo Ardoino | Bitfinex | |
Patrick Melder | Lago Bitcoin | |
Patrick van der Meijde | Arnhem Bitcoin City | |
Pedro | Anatomy of Bitcoin | |
Peruvian Bull | Researcher | |
Peter Todd | Bitcoin Developer | |
Philipp Hoenisch | 10101 | |
Pierre Corbin | The Great Reset Films | |
Plamen Andonov | Bulgarian Bitcoin conference | |
Rafael Cordon | Simple Proof | |
Rahim Taghizadegan | Austrian Economist | |
Raph | ord | |
Raphael Ventura | Lumara | |
Renato Salazar | New Story | |
Reyna Chicas | Mi Primer Bitcoin | |
Ricardo Villalobos | Cubo+ Student | |
Richard | Bitcoin Runners | |
Robert Allen | SatoshiSound | |
Rodrigo | Cubo+ Student | |
Roger 9000 | Artist | |
Rogzy | Decouvre Bitcoin | |
Roman Martinez | Bitcoin Beach | |
Ryan & Jessica | Two People in Paradise | |
Samantha de Waal | Lifelong Bitcoiner | |
Scott Lindberg | Free Market Kids | |
Seb Gouspillou | BigBlock Datacenter | |
Silent Link | | |
Stacy Herbert | The Bitcoin Office | |
Svetski | Spirit of Satoshi | |
Tatiana Koffman | Myth of Money | |
TC | TimechainCalendar | |
Tomas Skandera | Freedom maximalist | |
Tomek⚡K | Bitcoin FilmFest | |
Torogoz Dev | | |
Valentin Popescu | MOTIV Peru | | | | |
Will Hernandez | ASOBITCOIN |